Sunday, July 15, 2012

Fontechiari, luglio 2012

 This is the inside of the church of Santa Maria. When I lived in Italy it was closed because of a earthquake, but has since been reinforced and restructured. It is a very small church. In the corner on the right, you can see "La Madonna" that they parade through the town.

A prosciutto tree!! At the festa they were raffling off a prosciutto and hung it in the tree for everyone to see!

To the right is the bus of the band of the Vigili del Fuoco (Firemen). Last week at the horse show we saw the Polizia, Carabinieri and Escercito (Army) performing. It seems to me that all of these government organizations take pride in promoting what their members are good at.

Hard to see, but this is the band performing on a beautiful night, under the stars. 
The memorial in the main square for the citizens of Fontechiari

 A different view of the monument, from the large square built into the side of the town.
My aunt Filomena and I in the square, under an Oleander "tree."
There is a saying here, "L'america sta qua," and it is true: here at the festival are 4 Americans: myself, my aunt from Boston and another couple from Guilderland. 

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