Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012

 Today is the "Festa" in our town to honor "La Madonna Santissima dei Fratelli" our protector. After the 8:30 mass, they took her out of the small church of Santa Maria and walked her up to the main church of the town (where I was married). There they had another mass at 10:00 and then paraded her through the whole town.

We only walked her to the second church, then left for another adventure.

 The church of San Giovanni Battista ed Evangelista, in the tiny center of Fontechiari.
 This is the view, HALF way up the mountains of our valley, the Val di Comino. At this point there is a runway for "Delta plani" or hang gliders. They actually "jump" off of the side of the mountain and land down below. It's somewhat scary to be up so high, and cool at the same time, because we were down in that valley a half hour earlier!
 As we were driving from one area to the next, a man was making all the cars pull over, so that a procession could pass by. This is San Vincenzo Martire, the patron saint of the town of Villetta Barea in Abruzzo. It looks like the Bishop was escorting him.
This is probably my favorite view of the day - the lake. It was formed by a glacier, if you can see the mountains around. The color of the lake (greenish/blue) is due to the presence of certain minerals in the rocks - probably copper and magnesium. No motors are permitted on the lake, only paddle boats and sailboats. To the left is Lazio or "our" side of the mountains, and to the right is the Adriatic side of Italy. With the weather so hot, it was so refreshing up in the mountains!

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