Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wednesday the rest of our group arrived, some with stories to tell. My two aunts had a perfect 6 and a half hour flight from Boston, arriving in Rome at 6:30 am. They had planned to wait for our other cousins and Cesare, arriving at 9:30 from Charleston. Well, around noon, they called as our good friend,  Delio, had gone with the "autista" or driver to pick them all up. They asked me to check on the flight as it was delayed... and delayed it was... 6 hours.

When they arrived safe and sound, we found out they were aboard the flight that had to return to Philly because of an odor on the plane that made some of the crew and passengers sick. If I had been on that flight, I would have had a heart or anxiety attack and dropped dead at 14,000 ft!

So instead of getting "home" at noon, they pulled in around 7, just as I was getting back from the store and pizzeria.  The 11 of us crowded around the table, all the ladies pitched in and whipped up a salad and some vegies, and the men opened my 1.99 Euro bottle of Ruffino to welcome all safely "home."

After dinner we drove my cousin and her children and Cesare to their "hotel"  - a brand new agriturismo, called "La Pesca" as it is on the river Fibreno a mile away. It is gorgeous, with a small pool and incredible view of the valley and river. I will have to visit and take pictures. I hear the rates are 30 Euros per person per night.

Time to get some shut eye, so we can get to the "mercato" before the sun gets too high and too hot!

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